Making Sense of Disease in the Field

Making Sense of Diseases in the Field When millions of humans and animals are on the verge of being exposed to highly contagious and dangerous diseases – time is of the essence. Disease detecting techniques like SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy), used in a laboratory setting, allow for a higher degree of sensitivity in detection, but… Continue reading Making Sense of Disease in the Field

New Paper – How Omicron Finds the Sweet Spot

New paper shows omicron relies more on sugars for infection Omicron and its sublineages remain a major public health concern owing to their high infectivity and antibody evasion. Perhaps the most challenging is that the sensitivity of some of the available rapid tests have been reduced against Omicron, compared to previous variants, forcing people to… Continue reading New Paper – How Omicron Finds the Sweet Spot