Dr. Freeman to Speak at Annual Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting

Raleigh, NC

Cytoskeleton is the protein network that gives cells their shape and it’s a feature of cells that is so integral that a yearly event was created here in the Triangle to solely focus on all things cytoskeleton


Aptly titled The Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting, the event will be held this year at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science in downtown Raleigh on September 23, 2024.  Accompanying Dr. Freeman will be Keynote Speaker, Kassandra Ori-McKenney(UC Davis), Shashank Shekhar(Emory), and Wesley Legant(UNC). 



The pre-event Pub Tech Night where you can mingle in a casual setting will be the evening prior, September 22. The event will be sponsored by Lumicks, who will be there to answer any related questions to its latest advancements in dynamic single-molecule and cell avidity analysis instruments. 



More information available as it unfolds – check Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting for updates.  And if you’re interested in attending Pub Tech Night, fill out this survey: Survey Here