Making Sense of Disease in the Field

Making Sense of Diseases in the Field When millions of humans and animals are on the verge of being exposed to highly contagious and dangerous diseases – time is of the essence. Disease detecting techniques like SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy), used in a laboratory setting, allow for a higher degree of sensitivity in detection, but… Continue reading Making Sense of Disease in the Field

How to Signal a Cell to Move Along a Surface

How to Signal a Cell to Move Along a Surface What gets you moving?   And then how do you make your move? In all walks of life, we find organisms moving across various surfaces in different ways for different reasons. A spider may decide to walk up a wall. Its motivation, its stimulation to… Continue reading How to Signal a Cell to Move Along a Surface

GlycoGrip – Connecting the Dots to Disease Detection

GlycoGrip – A Straight Line to Disease Detection Stopping viral disease spread relies on accurate, cost efficient and robust community detection. Multiplexed tools that are responsive to viral mutations remove the need for iterative devices, and equip public health practitioners with test-to-treat tools that detect infection at early stages of disease, and stop an outbreak before it begins.   … Continue reading GlycoGrip – Connecting the Dots to Disease Detection

Throwback – Revisiting Chemically Reversible Hydrogels

Revisiting Ronit’s Reversible Game-Changing Hydrogel Research Imagine you are playing softball with some friends at a neighborhood field. You’re up to bat, you swing and connect and everyone cheers you on for your homerun. But the ball has landed beyond the outfield, just behind another fence. You are able to put your hand through the… Continue reading Throwback – Revisiting Chemically Reversible Hydrogels

Interview with the Women of the Freeman Lab

Breaking Barriers in Science: An Interview with the Women of the Freeman Lab Breaking Barriers in Science: An Interview with the Women of the Freeman Lab Freeman Lab scientists with Justin Hill  March 8, 2024 In a wing of the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, spanning the Kenan, Caudill and Murray buildings; you will find the Freeman… Continue reading Interview with the Women of the Freeman Lab

Pandemic Lessons

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced colleges and educators to think on their feet and drastically alter their practices.  Moving courses online and practicing social distancing are only some of the changes being made. A new article posted on the UNC College of Arts and Sciences website highlights some of the ways faculty are adjusting their… Continue reading Pandemic Lessons

Hannah Wilkins Granted Senior Honors Thesis Award

We are happy to announce that Freeman Lab undergraduate student Hannah Wilkins has won the Tom and Elizabeth Long Research Award! This award is granted once a year by Honors Carolina, an interdisciplinary academic program designed for students who are eager to explore beyond their immediate academic concentrations and anticipated career trajectories. Their generous awards financially… Continue reading Hannah Wilkins Granted Senior Honors Thesis Award